Invasive Mycoses: Emerging Paradigms & Practical Applications

  • 30 Dec 2017
  • on-line interactive

New online CME activities from IDWeek 2016 produced by the MSGERC


Available at

Release date: December 31, 2016
Expiration date: December 30, 2017


Introducing 2 new activities featuring expert faculty in the management of fungal infections in the immunocompromised host, including Drs Peter G Pappas and Paul Bryant (UAB), Dimitrios Kontoyiannis, MD, ScD, FACP, FIDSA (MD Anderson), Sanjay Revankar (Michigan), and George R. Thompson III, MD, FIDSA (UC Davis):


Invasive Mold Infections: Emerging Approaches

An interactive, enduring activity based on a satellite CME symposium held during IDWeek 2016, this topline, 1-hour activity includes expert discussions of what’s new in the management of invasive aspergillosis, mucormycosis, fusariosis, as well as other rare molds. Learn how to “break the mold” by examining what’s new and innovative in the management of these challenging invasive fungal infections and earn 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.


Mycology Minutes™ from IDWeek 2016

Earn 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ with these quick overviews of selected mycology updates based on key presentations from IDWeek 2016. Included are discussions of advances in diagnostics and screening, drug level monitoring for azoles, susceptibility testing, the epidemiology of intra-abdominal Candida infections, a study on C auris, and initial findings from the CINCH study.


For more information or to register for the activity:

or contact Tom Davis at Terranova Medica, LLC:

International Immunocompromised Host Society

ICHS Executive Director  |  Beth Kassalen  |
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